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Showing posts from December, 2013


A n elephant chained in its growing years continues to remain in check throughout its adult life for it thinks the chain is unbreakable. Remarkable as it may seem the strength of chain is no match for the mighty elephant yet the huge beast remains contained always.  No questions asked.     This is common for us humans as well. We remain confined, limited without questioning the validity of the chain which contains us. In the name of rules, rituals, practices, traditions, dogmas. We remain held, captive for our entire life or generations which follow through us. This proverbial chain is an unique collection of our past experiences both good and bad, individual and collective across the humankind almost ingrained or imprinted on our DNA. It keeps us safe and away from risk, neatly cocooned in our comfort zone. It also keeps the huge mammoth of potential dreams, unlimited creative possibilities and life changing decisions blissfully...


A n ancient sage slept and dreamt he was a fish, when he woke up he was enlightened, free from the worldly bondage… Now he doesn’t know if he is a human who dreamt being a fish, or a fish dreaming a human existence…  Sleep those magical hours of our daily lives where we have no control over our actions or consciousness to understand all that happens to us. It is that part of our alive experience which is on an automatic mode. Fascinating as it is, in those hours of our time we don’t argue, fight, cry, crib, complain, worry, resent, grab, rape, kill, bribe or plot devious strategies. We simply sleep…    Every day we experience a period of 6 to 8 hours, restful, rejuvenating sleep. It is a miraculous phase of our daily existence where the body recharges itself. Millions of cells in the body repair, reorganize, and restore themselves to take on the challenges of the daily living. It the most honest phase of self development. The only time of the day whe...