In a story from the life and times of Gautama Buddha. A mother
pleaded with the Enlightened One to bring her dead son to life.
Gautama Buddha asked her to get a hand full of mustard seeds from a house
where no near and dear one was dead.........
Strangely many a time in life and specifically workplace we expect
to have only happy experiences or pleasant moments. Every feedback to be polite
and given in a way not to hurt us.
Even if we fail at a particular deliverable the team
leader/manager should be magnanimous and ignore our short comings and praise us
highly for every small act we accomplish. Every employee wants a Silver Lining,
however does not want the Dark Cloud.
Work life is full of challenges, with failed targets, lofty
project plans and missed deadlines all leading to anxious moments, heighten
stress, feeling of profound loss, helplessness and lack of energy or motivation
to jump up again with fresh vigor and seize the day.
The Cloud is real so is the Silver Lining.
If you want the Silver lining the Dark Cloud is complimentary,
this simple yet profound truth puts a lot of things into perspective. Every
passing success or failure makes us strong to take on the new challenges in
life, especially work life. This only happens if we bounce back into the ring
(work place) with full dedication irrespective of the earlier outcomes.
I guess the other name for a person who stays focused on ones work
through the ups and downs of work life and accepts both the cloud and silver lining
is " A Professional".
The question is: Are you one of that Tribe?
Hi Dr. Deepak, loved the post. The Gautama story is a nice way to start... and the question is the best way to end. Keep writing doc. Best wishes and love. GERRY